Effective: January 15th 2024


Mujin Netherlands B.V. will comply with applicable laws and regulations set forhter in GDPR Article 6, obligations under appliable ministerial guidelines and this Privacy Policy.


Any personal data provided by you during the recruitment process will be controlled by Mujin Netherlands B.V., who is responsible for the integrity and security of your personal data. Other Mujin entities may control your personal data where we are required or permitted by law to share your personal data with them for the purposes described below. This privacy statement sets out what information we collect about you, why we collect it, what we use it for and the rights you have in relation to that information.

Providing your personal data

The decision to provide your personal data is entirely voluntary and you are able to request information about this data via steps outlined below.
In certain circumstances, we require certain personal data in order to perform our recruitment processes. If you choose not to provide Mujin Netherlands B.V. with the relevant personal data for recruitment, then we may be unable to administrate your application properly.

Personal data we process

Mujin Netherlands B.V. processes the following information when you use our services or provide this information to us.
• Basic biographical details: your name, age, gender, date of birth, photograph, home address, personal telephone number, email address, and work experience.
• Other personal information that you actively provide either via a job application via our site or through phone or email correspondence.

We collect the majority of this information directly from you or generate it ourselves, but in some cases, we will obtain this information from third parties.

Processing of minors

Our website and service do not intend to collect data about visitors under 16 years of age unless they have parental or guardian consent. If you believe we have collected personal data about a minor without such consent, please contact us at info@mujin-europe.com and we will promptly delete this information.

Automated processing & decision making

Mujin Netherlands B.V. does not and will not use your personal data for any automated decision making.

How we use your information

We process your personal data when you use our services or provide this information to us.
Mujin Netherlands B.V. mainly uses your information for the purpose of recruitment. This means we will use your information to:
• Use your information to determine if you qualify for an open vacancy.
• Contact and respond to requests made to us in relation to job applications and references.

We will only disclose your information when we are under legal obligation to do so, further legal basis for processing of your personal data are set forth in GDPR Article 6.

How long do we keep this information?

Mujin Netherlands B.V. does not retain your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. The exact period for which we retain your information varies but we will generally keep, to the extent applicable:
• Your job application file for the period of the application process and then a further one year.
Should we want to keep your job application file for longer than the retention period, we will reach out via email for consent.

To whom do we disclose your information?

We will disclose your information in the circumstances set out below.
To our group: We will disclose your information to other members involved in the recruitment process. Some of those group members are based outside of the European Economic Area in jurisdictions that do not provide an adequate level of protection for personal information. Where group members in those jurisdictions access your information, we ensure it continues to be adequately protected through the use of model contracts under which the recipient commits to continue to use that data in accordance with EU data protection standards.

To third party service providers: We will disclose your information to third parties who provide us with services; for example, external recruitment agency. Where we disclose information to our service providers, we impose strict controls to ensure that it continues to be properly protected.
In accordance with the law: We will disclose your information where we are under a legal obligation to do so; for example because a law obliges us to disclose that information or we have to disclose it as part of a legal claim.

Cookies and similar technologies

Mujin Netherlands B.V. uses only technical and functional cookies and analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. Cookies are used for the technical functioning of the websites, remembering your preferences, and optimizing the website. You can manage cookie preferences in your internet browser settings.

Access, Modification or Deletion of Personal Data

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. Additionally, you can withdraw consent, object to processing or request data transfer and request a copy of the personal data we hold.
To exercise these rights, please use the contact details below. We will normally comply with that request within a month. We are not obliged to respond if your request is clearly unfounded or excessive.
Security Measures

Mujin Netherlands B.V. takes data protection seriously and implements appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, and unauthorized changes. If you suspect inadequate security or misuse, please use the contact details below.

Contact us

If you would like any more information or would like to exercise any of the rights set out above, contact:
Data Protection Officer: Karen Schmit – karen.schmit@mujin-europe.com
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection regulator in the jurisdiction in which you live or work. The data protection regulator for the Netherlands is the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. They can be contacted at https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/.