Logisteed, Ltd.
Piece picking robots that can perform sorting operations without shipping errors are expected to replace manual labor and improve shipping accuracy.
Sakaba Shoten Co., Ltd.
Depalletizing robots are expected to be widely used in logistics in the future, as they will carry out complex tasks on site, without hassle.
PALTAC Corporation
Mujin is helping PALTAC to fully automate their case packing in one of their newest warehouses.
PALTAC Corporation
Mujin helped PALTAC open a new generation of logistics centers by transforming manual case packing into a robotic mixed-case packing system that can work with pallets, cages and carts.
ASKUL Corporation
Piece picking robot in operation at ASKUL Value Center Kansai, ASKUL Corporation.
Mujin Robot Piece Picker that realizes masterless operation by putting a shoe box containing shoes into a small container.