Mujin Corp. (the « Company », “we”, “our” or “us”) is responsible for the personal information that we have been provided by customers, job applicants, current and former employees, third parties that you have entrusted your information to be shared with us, and from visitors to our website. This Privacy Policy sets the general terms regarding the Company’s purpose of use, usage, handling, sharing, publicly disclosing (only when the law requires) and securing of your personal information (that is, the information that can identify a specific individual and other personal data specified by the laws and regulations of each country). This Privacy Policy also provides information about important rights regarding your personal information.

Définition des informations personnelles : Nous collectons deux types d’informations par le biais des services : les informations personnelles et les informations anonymes.

« Personal information » refers to information that identifies (whether directly or indirectly) a particular individual, such as information you provide on our forms, surveys, applications or similar fields. Examples may include identifiers like your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, Social Security number, bank account information, or date of birth.

« Anonymous information » means information that does not directly or indirectly identify, and cannot reasonably be used to identify, a particular individual. Examples may include information about your Internet browser, information collected through tracking technologies (see Online Tracking and Advertising), demographic information that you provide to us and aggregated or de-identified data.

« Location information » means information that may be collected by certain cellular-based mobile applications that identifies your physical location.

Traitement des informations personnelles

1) But de l’utilisation

The Company will use your personal information for the purposes listed below. Please note that if your personal information is to be used for purposes other than these, we will obtain your informed consent for each of such case.

I. Utilisation des informations personnelles obtenues auprès des clients et des partenaires commerciaux :


  1. To provide goods, services, etc. (referred below as the “Products”) handled by us or our subcontractors, and/or the maintenance of Products.
  2. Conduct research and development, quality improvement, and associated planning thereof for the Products.
  3. Provide information on marketing and sales of various Products that may be interesting or useful to you.
  4. Management of contractual relationships involving Products and other related business activities
  5. Providing invitations to and properly preparing for your participation in events such as exhibitions and seminars related to Products.
  6. Providing and sending out various materials to you, such as catalogs and data sheets, regarding Products
  7. Analyzing and researching information provided from you on questionnaires regarding the Products.
  8. Contacting you for business negotiations and meetings.
  9. Managing your entry/exit data of facilities of the Company.
  10. Any other handling of personal information based on legal requirements or notifications/guidance from relevant authorities.

II. Utilisation des informations personnelles obtenues auprès des candidats à l’emploi et des prestataires/agents de référence.


  1. Employee recruitment activities and related operations.
  2. Contacting you after hiring decision.
  3. Employee management (including implementation of medical examination at the time of employment) after joining the Company.
  4. Analysis to promote and streamline future recruitment selection.
  5. Other handling of personal information based on legal provisions or notifications/guidance from relevant authorities including all immigration-related matters such as H-1B visa sponsorship, for instance.

III. Utilisation des informations personnelles obtenues auprès des personnes dont l’emploi a pris fin au sein de l’entreprise.

  1. Storage of various personnel data to comply with tax, employment, labor and records laws.
  2. Post-employment communications (including communications about various events, sending handouts, notices, etc.) or responding to requests from you regarding your former employment.
  3. Other handling of personal information based on lawful orders or other reporting requirements by legal provisions or notifications/guidance from relevant authorities, including the Personal Information Protection Committee

2) Type d’informations collectées

While we are limited to the information, we acquire to what is provided by you, here are the types of personal information we may collect from you:

  1. Identity data: This includes your name, nationality/citizenship, title, company/organization name, e-mail address, telephone numbers and physical address (including street, city, state, postal or zip code, and/or country), your photograph, health information, and your unique My-number.


  1. Recruitment data: This is information, such as those contained in a resume or C.V., submitted in connection with a job application or inquiry through our contact form, or information provided to us by a personnel referral service/agency.


  • Business contact data: This includes information, such as the name, title/position, work address, phone, and email address, and the occasional photograph, of employees, owners, directors, officers, or contractors of a third-party entity.


  1. Export control information: This includes your nationality, citizenship and country of residence, and current and past affiliations that allows us to determine your eligibility under export control regulations to be eligible to be employed by us, or be our business partner, customer, or investor.


  1. Your feedback through the contact form: The content of your feedback may include personal information. Additionally, for any feedback you provide us, certain personal information under “Identity data” above would be collected.

3) Gestion des informations personnelles : Nous prendrons les mesures de sécurité appropriées pour empêcher l’accès non autorisé aux informations personnelles, la perte, la falsification, la fuite, etc. des informations personnelles. Ces mesures comprennent le cryptage, le contrôle d’accès, les pare-feu et la formation du personnel à la sécurité de l’information. Il incombe à chaque responsable de veiller à ce que les membres de son équipe accèdent à vos informations et les traitent de manière appropriée.

4) Transfert d’informations personnelles à des tiers et utilisation conjointe

  1. Third party transfer: The Company will not transfer acquired personal information to third parties other than joint users (such as any of our subsidiaries) or as required by law, unless consent is obtained from customers, job applicants, etc. We may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to a subcontractor, such as a professional service like a law firm to be in compliance with U.S. law.


  1. Joint use: As stated, the Company and its subsidiaries might jointly use personal information acquired by us to the extent necessary to achieve the “Purpose of Use », above. However, our Company’s administrative division is responsible for managing the shared use and we will keep track of where your information is shared and how it is being handled.


  • Sale of personal information: The Company will never sell your Personal Information under any circumstances.

5) Demande de divulgation et autres droits concernant les données à caractère personnel

You have certain rights to your personal information acquired by us. Regarding such information, we will be the point of contact even if shared with one or more subsidiaries. Please refer to the “Contact Information” to make a request to us about your personal information, under Section E below.

You have the right to request from us regarding your personal information, in whole or in part, 1) what information we have, 2) the purpose of use, 3) sharing status, 4) the disclosure of its usage by us or parties it was shared with, 5) its correction or elaboration, 6) the suspension of use or of its sharing, 7) its return to you or transfer to a third party, and/or 8) disposal of personal information, once we verify your identity. You may also permit a third party to exercise your rights if they can prove you authorized them or you expressly inform us about your permission. Once the request is received, we will comply promptly and within a reasonable scope based on legal provisions and our internal procedures.  All requests for this information must be sent to the email address in Section E below.

6) Informations provenant de mineurs de moins de 16 ans

Any personal information provided by minors under the age of 16 will not be accepted and either be promptly returned or deleted unless such information’s submission is accompanied with a parent or lawful guardian’s express consent.

I. Traitement des informations personnelles obtenues en accédant à ce site web. Lorsque vous visitez notre site web, celui-ci acquiert automatiquement des informations vous concernant. Nous ne partagerons pas ces informations avec des tiers, à l’exception de notre filiale. Nous ne vendrons pas non plus ces informations à qui que ce soit. Si un tribunal ou un gouvernement nous ordonne de les partager avec eux, nous devrons le faire et nous vous informerons de cette divulgation si l’ordonnance nous y autorise.


II. Informations que nous recueillons automatiquement à votre sujet : Nous pouvons collecter certaines informations concernant votre visite sur nos sites web à l’aide de cookies et d’outils de suivi similaires. Les droits énoncés au point (A)(5) ci-dessus s’appliquent à ces informations. Les données collectées de cette manière ne comprennent pas d’informations telles que votre nom et votre adresse physique, mais sont de nature statistique et comprennent :


III. Informations sur l’utilisation du site web : Il s’agit d’informations sur la manière dont vous utilisez nos sites web, les pages que vous consultez, le nombre de données (mesuré en octets) transférées, les liens sur lesquels vous cliquez, les contenus auxquels vous accédez, la date et l’heure auxquelles vous y accédez, le site web à partir duquel vous avez accédé à l’un de nos sites web et d’autres actions effectuées sur les sites web ; et


IV. Informations techniques : Il s’agit de votre adresse de protocole Internet (IP) (qui peut également nous indiquer la région dans laquelle vous accédez au site web), de votre type de navigateur, de ses capacités et de sa langue, ainsi que de votre système d’exploitation.


7) Concernant les cookies et l’utilisation de Google Analytics


The Company website uses Google Analytics to measure certain data from the website in order to improve website usability. Please note that Google Analytics uses cookies stored on your viewing device to collect information such as your browsing history.

For more information about how Google Analytics collects and processes statistical information, please review the contents provided under this link.

Revisions to this privacy policy:  We will work to improve this Privacy Policy as necessary and appropriate. If we make any revisions, we will make them public by posting them on this website.

Informations de contact: Pour toute question concernant la présente politique ou les informations personnelles, veuillez utiliser ce lien ou envoyer un courrier. Toutefois, n’envoyez pas d’informations sensibles.

The mailing address is as follows.

Mujin Corp.

7250 McGinnis Ferry Drive

Suwanee, GA 30024

Attn: Joseph Wolenski, Legal Director

Email all requests to


Revised 14 April 2024